Saturday, May 3, 2008

Homeschool Share Back to School Blast 2008

Okay, I don't normally get into the whole "Blog" thing because I use this blog to keep our favorite people up to date with what's going on in school for us. But I wanted to share an opportunity that I am excited about. Over at Homeschool Share, they are having a contest for new unit study curriculum. I am interested in submitting a unit study for the First Time Unit Study Writers. We have 2 years under our belt using unit studies and I would love to actually write one! Plus, they have this super-cool shirt to give away if you post their contest on your blog; hence the reason why I'm writing this post!

So if you have a moment, visit one of my new favorite websites, Homeschool Share, and check out all of their great resources!

1 comment:

SoCalVal said...

So funny you mention this site. I just printed a bunch of stuff for a unit study on bees. I LOVE this site! Hope you win :)

PS: I like the new blog look