Tuesday, May 6, 2008


We are currently on Unit 5, Chapter 6 of our Weaver curriculum. At this point, we are in Exodus where Moses and Aaron go before Pharoah and announces to him that the Lord has said to "Let My people go!" Pharaoh does not comply and as we well know, the Lord begins to pronounce judgments upon the land. First the river Nile is turned to blood and now there are frogs everywhere! Imagine frogs in your cereal bowl! Then Moses cries out to the Lord concerning the frogs and the Lord hears his cries and causes the frogs to die. Ooohh yuck! What a stench that must've been. Even still, Pharaoh's heart is hardened and he does not relent to let the Israelites go because his magicians were able to duplicate what Moses and Aaron have done.

Immediately what comes to mind is this:

  • God keeps His promises (like He did with Moses and Aaron when He promised to give them the ability to perform these miracles)

  • God hears our prayers (like when Moses couldn't take the frogs anymore!)

  • People can try to imitate and copy the true and living God, but as we'll find out, in the end they will prove to be false.

We have been reading about froggies this week and today I gave the girls an art lesson on how to draw a frog. They did pretty good considering that I was the one teaching them! Gracey's is first, Emily's second.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Homeschool Share Back to School Blast 2008

Okay, I don't normally get into the whole "Blog" thing because I use this blog to keep our favorite people up to date with what's going on in school for us. But I wanted to share an opportunity that I am excited about. Over at Homeschool Share, they are having a contest for new unit study curriculum. I am interested in submitting a unit study for the First Time Unit Study Writers. We have 2 years under our belt using unit studies and I would love to actually write one! Plus, they have this super-cool shirt to give away if you post their contest on your blog; hence the reason why I'm writing this post!

So if you have a moment, visit one of my new favorite websites, Homeschool Share, and check out all of their great resources!

Benjamin Franklin Lapbook

Our most recent Lapbook
*Note: If the advertisement is up on the screen, just "X" out of it and the slideshow will play